Terms and conditions

Joivy Campus disclaimer


The following general guidelines, which are provided to Users for informational purposes only, have been drafted to guarantee the use of all features of Joivy Campus's website.

We advise you to carefully read the document, which contains essential elements in terms of Privacy and Confidentiality and which, in relation to these aspects, contains the information form for the handling of personal data. In particular, the User who intends to interact with Joivy Campus must acknowledge that he or she has read the form and therefore accepts its contents, allowing Joivy Campus the processing of his or her personal data.

Terms and conditions


The user unconditionally accepts the applicability of these terms and conditions of use (hereafter referred to as “Terms of Use”) for every access, visit, and use of Joivy Campus's website. These Terms of Use refer to all information, advice and/or products and services, including those available on the website (“Information”), offered to the User.

It should be noted that the Terms of Use may undergo changes over time and that such changes come into force and will be considered valid and applicable from the moment in which the modified Terms of Use are published on the website. Users of the website are therefore invited to frequently check the Terms of Use in order to verify eventual changes.

Information and responsability

Everything contained on Joivy Campus's website is published and offered for the attention of the Users with a purely and merely informative character and purpose: nothing of what is published on the site may be understood as binding recommendations.

Joivy Campus is not responsible for damages deriving from the use of (or the impossibility of use of) this website, including damages caused by viruses or derived from the inaccuracy or incompleteness of information, except for damage caused exclusively by fraud or gross negligence by Joivy Campus.

Joivy Campus is not responsible for damages caused by a lack of adequacy, timeliness or accuracy, for any reason, of this website or of the information contained herein.

Joivy Campus is also not responsible for damages caused by the use of electronic means of communication, including, but not limited to, damages derived by failure or delay in the supply of electronic communication, from the interception or the alteration of electronic communication by third parties, or by computer programs used for electronic communication and for the transmission of viruses.

Joivy Campus rejects any guarantee, including, but not limited to, warrantees on conditions, quality, merchantability, suitability for a specific purpose, and the absence of violations.

Third party information

The information provided by third parties is the expression of the personal opinion of those third parties, who take full responsibility for such opinions. Joivy Campus does not assume any responsibility regarding such contributions and/or information.

The hyperlinks present on the website may direct visitors to external websites operated by third parties. Joivy Campus is not responsible for the content and operation of these external websites. Joivy Campus is also not responsible for the products and services that may be offered on these websites.

Intellectual property

Unless otherwise stated, all intellectual property rights on this website and the information herein contained are the exclusive property of Joivy Campus. Such rights include, but are not limited to, copyrights, rights to trade names, trademarks, and Joivy Campus's logos and trademark images.

Users are allowed to read this website and information and make copies for personal use only, for example by printing or storing. Any other use of the site or information, such as storing or complete or partial reproduction of Joivy Campus's website on any other external website, is forbidden.


Any partial disability, even of a single clause, of the Terms of Use, does not affect the validity of the Terms of Use in their entirety, which remain valid, effective and enforceable for the Users of the website. In this instance, the invalid provisions will be replaced with other provisions of legal enforceability, which correspond as closely as possible to their original meaning, while maintaining the content and meaning of these Terms of Use.

Applicable legal regime

These Terms of Use are subject exclusively to the Italian legal system. The Court of Milan is summoned for any dispute arising from the use of Joivy Campus's website, and from the application of the present Terms of Use, as well as disputes relating to their existence and/or validity.